E20: Realigning Goals and Staying Motivated

As we step into February, it's the perfect time to pause and reflect on the progress we've made in the first month of the year. Have you been diligently pursuing your goals, or have you found yourself veering off course? Perhaps you're encountering daily challenges that make consistency a struggle. Wherever you may be on your journey, remember: perseverance is key.

In this episode, I take a moment to reflect on my own goals and share practical strategies to not only realign your focus but also to reignite the passion behind your aspirations. Join me as we explore ways to stay motivated and remind ourselves daily of the reasons why we set these goals and dreams in the first place.

We also announce our next GIVEAWAY! Listen in to hear more on what the giveaway is and why this one is the most exciting yet.

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Episode Details:

18 minutes

February 2nd, 2024

About your host

  • High achieving woman who has faced the relentless pursuit of perfection.
  • Here to share my personal story and those of extraordinary women who have overcome similar challenges.
  • Let's ditch what no longer serves us and gain the strength to make the meaningful impact in life we're meant to!

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Impactful Event Co.

Ready to take your events to the next level?

Join us as we share our expertise whether you dream to host an event, planning your first, or planning your 20th!

Twice per month, we will share tips, tricks, and resources to support you in planning from start to finish, from creating a high touch, PERSONAL experience to becoming PROFITABLE when hosting your event.

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