Hey there!

My name is Catherine Roten, Founder & Event Strategist of Impactful Events & Travel, as well as Host of the Imperfectly Impactful podcast.

I don't know about you but the last 12 months have been a whirlwind for myself. 

Around October of 2022, I felt lost and confused because for the first time, I was not happy managing hotels. 

Over the course of that year, I started listening to podcasts and attended my first ever event for MYSELF.

After a decade in the hotel industry, I left in October of 2023 to find my true passion and purpose strategizing, planning, and coordinating events.

Even after that transition, I felt lost and unaligned for the company I was working for. After hiring a life coach, business coach, starting my PODCAST(!), and doing A LOT of inner work, I took the leap into entrepreneurship starting Impactful Events & Travel!

My mission is to help other entrepreneurs curate a personalized and profitable event. I can take you from feeling lost on where to start or stuck on what to do next, into feeling confident in planning your event from start to finish.

I also started my podcast in December 2023, Imperfectly Impactful, where I share my journey in entrepreneurship, working through my perfectionism and people pleasing tendencies.

My goal is to inspire you to take action, listen to your desires, learn to say no and how to use your perfectionism positively in life.

Together, let's create a community where authenticity overcomes perfection, inspiration runs deep, and hosting an event sparks motivation and growth.

We will not settle for what is easy and comfortable. It is time to let go of our comfort zones and take that initial step towards making a significant impact.

Are you ready? It is time to begin.

listen in

Trade perfectionism for grace


Tune in to my story:

Take a look at my initial episode where I dive into my experiences and progress throughout the recent years, as well as my start into the world of podcasting.

The narrative of my journey is still evolving and transforming, so keep following along as I release new episodes about the obstacles I am currently conquering and the achievements I have recently attained!

Impactful Event Co.

Ready to take your events to the next level?

Join us as we share our expertise whether you dream to host an event, planning your first, or planning your 20th!

Twice per month, we will share tips, tricks, and resources to support you in planning from start to finish, from creating a high touch, PERSONAL experience to becoming PROFITABLE when hosting your event.

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