E15: Break Up with Saying Yes with Amy Zalenchuk

Don't miss this conversation as Amy and I dive into prioritizing self care, morning routines, and more! Amy shares a background in hotels with me, and has now pivoted into becoming an Empowerment Coach, helping ambitious individuals prioritize themselves to show up confident and empowered in life.

Key Takeaways

1. How To Say No: Amy shares how she has changed her mindset on saying yes to everything and started saying no when it is not aligned or not on her calendar.

2. The No Zero Day Mindset: One of my favorite mindset shifts Amy has shared on her podcast so far. Learn how to get clear on your goals, action steps to get there, and break those action steps even smaller to make it less overwhelming. This is your reminder that your self worth is NOT tied to your to do list!

3. Morning Routines: Do you have one? Have you tried to start then utterly failed time and time again? Learn how to implement small changes and remove friction so you can start the day off with intentionality.

And most importantly, JUST START!

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Episode Details:

22 minutes

January 17th, 2024

About your host

  • High achieving woman who has faced the relentless pursuit of perfection.
  • Here to share my personal story and those of extraordinary women who have overcome similar challenges.
  • Let's ditch what no longer serves us and gain the strength to make the meaningful impact in life we're meant to!

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