E8: Building Confidence in Personal Finance

In this short and candid episode, I open up about the recent challenges in managing mine and my family's finances. As someone who values perfectionism but struggles with financial uncertainty, I share the impact it's had on my motivation to track expenses and maintain a budget.

With unexpected expenses, the holiday season approaching, and for once, investing more in myself, the time is NOW to build back the confidence and take back control. Are you ready as well?

Recommendations To Get Started:

1. Mint.com: Add all your accounts and start tracking on the go!

2. Wealth Habits by Candy Valentino: Dives into not only personal finances, but business finances and taxes.

3. Atomic Habits by James Clear: Not specific to finances, but all the information regarding habits can be applied to your finances and benefit you greatly.

4. Book a Journey to Clarity call where I can share what steps I am currently taking to build the confidence and take back control of my finances

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Episode Details:

7 minutes

December 22nd, 2023

About your host

  • High achieving woman who has faced the relentless pursuit of perfection.
  • Here to share my personal story and those of extraordinary women who have overcome similar challenges.
  • Let's ditch what no longer serves us and gain the strength to make the meaningful impact in life we're meant to!

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