E6: Huge Takeaways from the Higher Self Gala 

In this episode, we're delving into the transformative experience of the Higher Self Gala in Denver, CO. Huge thanks to Kristine Munro for hosting and to all the incredible speakers who made this event unforgettable.

I can't express enough how being in that room felt like destiny, connecting with remarkable individuals and, most importantly, rediscovering a connection with myself. Today, I'm excited to share my personal journey and the three key takeaways that have already impacted my life.

The Key Takeaways:

1. Vulnerability- As Lisa Boettcher brilliantly articulated, vulnerability is our superpower. Opening up and sharing our stories create a foundation of trust and connection that goes beyond surface-level interactions.

2. Energy Exchange/Inner Work- It may sound silly or crazy to you, the power of energy exchange and inner work can't be overstated. It allows you to explore the significance of delving deep within yourself, peeling back layers to uncover suppressed thoughts and emotions.

3. Speak Your Goals/Dreams- Why keep your aspirations hidden? By expressing your desires, you not only make them real but also open doors to unexpected connections and opportunities. Just remember, your goal/dream is not meant for everyone, so go after it anyway!

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Episode Details:

19 minutes

December 15th, 2023

About your host

  • High achieving woman who has faced the relentless pursuit of perfection.
  • Here to share my personal story and those of extraordinary women who have overcome similar challenges.
  • Let's ditch what no longer serves us and gain the strength to make the meaningful impact in life we're meant to!

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